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Sermon Illustrations about Attributes of God

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Attributes of God to help bring your sermon to life.

Exploring the Real Jesus

When Christopher Columbus reached the Caribbean in 1492, he named the inhabitants "Indians." He thought he had reached what Europeans of the ...

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Nature Is Stubborn

Brett McCracken writes in his book, The Wisdom Pyramid:

I live in Southern California, where climate-controlled houses and air-conditioned cars give us ...

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Finding the True God at Christmas

Christmas is the season of choice. If you want to buy a food processor, Amazon offers you 2,000 types. Or how about a drill—there are more than ...

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Literal Rescue Dog Becomes Sheriff’s Deputy

Most rescue dogs are claimed from pet shelters, but Richard Wilbanks rescued his puppy from the jaws of an alligator. Wilbanks was out on a walk with ...

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A Preacher Goes to the Doctor

David Roseberry writes in a recent blog on LeaderWorks:

I went to see a doctor for a pain in my shoulder. My shoulder was just hurting all the time, whenever ...

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Change at the Speed of a VW Beetle

Author Thomas Friedman writes of the rapid changes society has experienced:

If [a 1971] VW Beetle had undergone as many changes to its power and speed ...

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Is Your God a Stepford God?

In his book, The Reason for God, Tim Keller writes:

If you don’t trust the Bible enough to let it challenge and correct your thinking, how could ...

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The Wishing Tree

In northeast Portland, Oregon, hope takes the form of a horse chestnut tree. It grows on the corner of Morris Street and 7th Avenue, and its branches ...

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Elton John Prefers ‘Higher Power’ Over God

In a recent interview with Fresh Air’s Terri Gross, Elton John explains why he prefers a “higher power” over God:

GROSS: You almost left ...

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The Living Bridge

Meghalaya in northwest India is arguably the wettest place on earth. The mile-high mountain range boasts the world record for rain with an annual accumulation ...

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