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Sermon Illustrations about Awe

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Awe to help bring your sermon to life.

Awe Can Quiet Your Stress

Jennifer Stellar, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, has an ingenious plan to conduct "spring cleaning for your mind." ...

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Our Remarkable Sun

Evolutionists like to claim that our Sun is merely an average star, just one among billions. There’s no reason to believe our Sun is unusual … ...

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Created to Clap

God looked with delight upon his handiwork at the end of each day of creation having found it good. Part of what it means for us to be created in God's ...

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Your Amazing DNA is a Testimony to Our Creator

On September 5, 1977, the Voyager I space probe was launched from Cape Canaveral aboard a Titan-Centaur rocket. It has been speeding through space at ...

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Nature as God’s Cathedral or God’s Wrath?

When man fell in the Garden of Eden, he took nature down with him. In spite of this some of nature has retained its former glory, and many have seen God’s ...

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Web Wonders from A Creative Mind

God’s creative ability truly is more wondrous than anything man can conceive. For example, the spider and its web elicit considerably more astonishment ...

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How Beauty Is Making Scientists Rethink Evolution

Science writer Ferris Jabr asks a difficult question about those who do not believe in God as Creator: “How do you explain beauty?” He quotes ...

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Discovering God’s Incredible Beauty at the South Pole

Brett Baddorf, a missionary to the South Pole (yes, he lives and works at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station), has surprisingly discovered God’s ...

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Dad Given Ticket for Singing 1990 Dance Hit "Everybody Dance Now" While Driving

There are some songs that are just so good that it's hard not to sing along when they come on in the car. That was the case for Montreal native Taoufik ...

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Whales: Mysteries of God's Creation

Think for a moment about the mysteries of just one of God's creatures—a whale. These big, beautiful creatures spend 95 percent of their lives in ...

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