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Sermon Illustrations about Baby

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Baby to help bring your sermon to life.

Sharing Grief in Times of Loss

Nancy Guthrie writes in “Holding onto Hope: Drawn by Suffering to the Heart of God:”

Not long after my six-month-old daughter Hope died, I ...

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Take What You Get

When my brother and sister-in-law were expecting a baby, I asked my four-year-old niece, Justina, "What do you want, a baby brother or a baby sister?" ...

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Friend to Teenage Mothers

"I'd like to help put on a prom for moms like me," the 17-year-old girl tells Anderson [Indiana] University junior Heather Brown. "It ...

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Never Give Up Hope

For the first decade of our marriage, my wife, Doris, and I hoped passionately for a child. I think we wanted a child more than we wanted anything else ...

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The Weakest Link

Jesus Christ founded His Kingdom on the weakest link of all--a Baby.

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Nothing Like a Baby

A baby is God's opinion that life should go on. A book that does nothing to you is dead. A baby, whether it does anything to you, represents life. ...

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Broken Baby

All our children were in bed; the late television news was over, and I was putting the finishing touches to a presentation for medical students scheduled ...

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Plugged In

Our six-year-old son, Alex, was looking at a picture of himself when he was one week old. Upon seeing his umbilical cord still attached in the picture, ...

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