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Sermon Illustrations about Beauty

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Beauty to help bring your sermon to life.

Gen Z Has Profound Anxiety About Aging

Anxiety around aging may be universal, but recently some members of Gen Z have been voicing acute distress. A few widely circulated social media posts ...

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Unofficial Aquarium Becomes Community Hangout

Brooklyn residents were in mourning in late October after a leaky fire hydrant was paved over by city workers. Over the previous summer, leaks from the ...

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How Rembrandt Revised Portrayals of Jesus

What did Jesus really look like? Western art has frequently stumbled over the contradiction between the ascetic figure of Jesus of Nazareth and the iconography ...

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Famous Statue Depicts Beauty and Evil of the World

How do you make sense of the problem of pain and the wonder of beauty occurring in the same world? If you’ve ever had the privilege of visiting ...

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Passport Photo Pitfalls

According to The Washington Post, there’s a new social media trend of which to be wary.

There is an increasing popularity of travel influencers – ...

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Best Solution for Dark Circles Under Eyes

An article in The New York Times explored the following scenario. Perhaps this routine sounds familiar: You wake up, look in the mirror and scrutinize ...

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‘Beauty’ Brings Special Privileges

Beauty has its privileges. Studies reliably show that the most physically attractive among us tend to get more attention from parents, better grades in ...

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Abused Woman Weeps at Beauty Compliment

You've never heard of Tanuja Ghale. She's a fellow believer, salon owner, and evangelist in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal. One day she saw a ...

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Facial Scar Discrimination Experiment

In a YouTube video, political commentor Konstantin Kisin reported:

They did an experiment with a group of women and they put scars on their faces. They ...

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Beauty's Inexhaustible Shame Machine

Author Cathy O'Neal's The Shame Machine, delves into the numerous ways that corporations, governments, and much of the media have weaponized and ...

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