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Sermon Illustrations about Bioethics

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Bioethics to help bring your sermon to life.

Meet the Baby Who Was Born Twice

Margaret Boemer went for a routine ultrasound 16 weeks into her pregnancy with her third child. She quickly found out that things were far from routine. ...

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More People Condemn Plastic Straws Than Abortion

A recent Angus Reid poll asked 1,528 Canadians for their moral perspectives on a wide variety of issues. Among the findings: while 51% thought that using ...

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The Emotional Toll of Abortion

Novelist Erica Jong supports abortion but is candid about its emotional toll. The author of provocative, sexual novels writes that abortion, for her, ...

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Waiting Outside an Abortion Clinic Was Worth It

For ten years, once a week, I waited outside abortion clinics, offering help to the women and men going in and coming out. Most of the hours I spent outside ...

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Physician Moved to Tears by Jesus' Advocacy for Children

In her recent book, Rebecca McLaughlin writes:

Paul Offit, a professor of pediatrics and vaccinology at the University of Pennsylvania, had good reason ...

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World's Greatest Photo: A Fetus at 18 Weeks?

The UK newspaper The Guardian recently ran a story exploring the greatest photo of the 20th century. Can you guess which photo became their top pick? ...

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The Silence of Ministers on the Issue of Abortion

Though the following article appeared some 15 years ago, it holds true today. World Magazine, in a piece called “Silence of the Shepherds,” ...

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Outspoken Atheist Surprises Everyone: A Fetus is an 'Unborn Child'

Christopher Hitchens, a devout man of the Left, and an outspoken atheist, must be pro-abortion, must fight for abortion just as he fights for all the ...

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Abortion: The Ultimate Exploitation of Women

A study in the British Journal of Psychiatry reviewed data from 22 published studies and found a link between abortion and mental health difficulties. ...

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Jesus’ Birth Fit Description for Abortion

The famous 20th century British writer Malcolm Muggeridge once noted that in modern times, with family-planning clinics offering ways to correct "mistakes" ...

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