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Sermon Illustrations about Blessing

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Blessing to help bring your sermon to life.

Faith Blossoms on the Other Side

A certain lady loved flowers and plants. She planted a rare vine against the stone wall near the back of her yard. She nurtured it, and it grew well. ...

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God's Blessings Are Gladly Given

God is more anxious to bestow his blessings on us than we are to receive them.

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Something Better than Happiness

There is in man a higher than love of happiness; he can do without happiness, and instead thereof find blessedness.

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The Blessing of Delay

As a rule, prayer is answered and funds come in, but if we are kept waiting, the spiritual blessing that is the outcome is far more precious than exemption ...

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We Are More Blessed than Hurt

I've seen a picture of the pilgrims at the first American Thanksgiving. Do you know half of their number died the first year they were here? They ...

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Seldom Heard Truth

That hardship can actually be a blessing--or "a severe mercy," to recall Sheldon Vanauken's book of that title--is a profoundly Christian ...

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Blessed Veil

God will not suffer man to have a knowledge of things to come; for if he had prescience of his prosperity, he would be careless; and if understanding ...

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God's Richest Gifts

Pain is pain and sorrow is sorrow. It hurts. It limits. It impoverishes. It isolates. It restrains. It works devastation deep within the personality. ...

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Nothing Like a Baby

A baby is God's opinion that life should go on. A book that does nothing to you is dead. A baby, whether it does anything to you, represents life. ...

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Glimpsing God's Surprises

The deer are in the forest, but often all you get are glimpses. Like God's surprises.

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