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Sermon Illustrations about Blindness

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Blindness to help bring your sermon to life.

Blind Leading the Blind

Have you ever heard about "The Ant Death Spiral"? A fascinating NPR article describes this phenomenon. A particular species of army ant is utterly ...

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School for the Blind Challenges its Students

As a young adult, writer Andrew Leland was diagnosed with a rare disorder that caused him to become blind. In a New Yorker article, he notes that throughout ...

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Sport Designed for Visually Impaired Athletes

Top athletes around the region convened in early February for the Cascade Classic, the Northwest Goalball Regional Tournament. If you’ve never seen ...

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The Power of Preference to Shape Beliefs

Writer/historian John Dickson writes about a social media post that annoyed his atheist friends. It was a portion of a 1929 interview of Albert Einstein ...

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Blind Songwriter Visualized Christ's Glory

One of the most prolific songwriters in the history of Christianity has been Fanny Crosby, who wrote over 9,000 spiritual songs. Crosby was blinded in ...

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Doctors Find 27 Contact Lenses in Woman's Eye

A 67-year-old woman scheduled for routine cataract surgery thought it was just dry eye and old age causing her discomfort. But the real cause of her discomfort ...

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Man Resigns Himself to a Life of Blindness

When Pierre-Paul Thomas was growing up in Montreal, Canada in the 1940s he couldn't play hockey with his brothers and it broke his heart. Thomas was ...

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After Operation, Blind Man Slowly Learns to See

At the age of 45, Michael May miraculously regained his sight. May was blinded at age three, and lived 42 years of his life without sight. Then, in 1999, ...

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The Dangers of Peephole Driving

As the recent winter approached, USA Today writer Larry Copeland wrote a story about the danger of "peephole" driving. Anyone who lives in the ...

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Why Dogs Have a Better Sense of Smell

Dogs do some things better than humans. For one thing, most dogs have a far better sense of smell than we do, and there is a physical reason for that. ...

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