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Sermon Illustrations about Body of Christ

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Body of Christ to help bring your sermon to life.

We Need Each Other

Communion is strength; solitude is weakness. Alone, the free old beech yields to the blast and lies prone on the meadow. In the forest, supporting each ...

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No Passive Worship

The fellowship of the body is always two-way; receiving and giving. Wanting only to receive is not fellowship. We may not be preachers, but when we come ...

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Unity and Disunity

Talk about what you believe and you have disunity. Talk about Who you believe in and you have unity.

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P.R. for Churches

A small church's most effective tool for creating a good church reputation may be its willingness to help those in need.

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Church as Equalizer

The church, God's church, is big enough, and small enough, to exalt the humble and humble the exalted.

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The "Me" Generation

It is the continual assertion of individuality that hinders our spiritual development more than anything else; individuality must go in order that personality ...

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Counting His Sheep

I recently wrote to a close friend explaining that I had problems sleeping at night. When her next letter arrived, I learned that she has this problem ...

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Snow on the Summits

If we saw the Church as she is in the most generous souls who live most truly the life of the Church, she would appear most beautiful in our sight, despite ...

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Practical Atheism

Most professing Christians, from liberals to fundamentalists, remain practical atheists. They think the church is sustained by the services it provides ...

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