Sermon Illustrations about Busyness
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Busyness to help bring your sermon to life.
Sleep Cleans Your Brain
Have you ever wondered what happens in your brain while you sleep? A good night's sleep does more than just help you feel rested; it might literally ...
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Double-Clicking on Obedience
Ruben Roy is a managing director at Stifel Financial. He dialed in to hear the chief executive of a healthcare company discuss its latest results. During ...
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Parents Ignore Advice on Screen Time for Children
Parents are bombarded with a dizzying list of orders when it comes to screen time and young children: No screens for babies under 18 months. Limit screens ...
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Rushing Through a Shallow Life
Religious and non-religious people alike think that many people are living shallow and superficial lives. They have noticed that many are rushing through ...
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Airport Limits Time for Goodbye Hugs
Emotional farewells are a common sight at airports, but travelers leaving the New Zealand city of Dunedin will have to be quick. A new three-minute time ...
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Americans Are too Busy to Enjoy Life
Do you ever feel like you’re too busy to enjoy life? If so, that’s because you are probably too busy. Not that this is some amazing diagnosis: ...
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Golfer Loses $240,000 for Not Golfing Faster
Polish golfer Adrian Meronk stood over his second shot on the 18th hole of a pro tournament on March 3rd, 2024 and saw another opportunity to climb up ...
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The Curse of Being Over-Connected
Sociologist Dalton Conley shares a story about backpacking through Europe when he was 18. He writes, “I had no iPhone. ... I couldn't Google. ...
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People Who Keep Working Well into Their 80’s
The first thing to know about people who shun retirement to work past age 80 is that they are probably busier, and possibly cooler, than you.
One said ...
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Introverts Have Taken Over the Economy
The pandemic has brought many changes to businesses, schools, and churches. Another way the pandemic altered America: It has created what might be called ...
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