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Sermon Illustrations about Carelessness

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Carelessness to help bring your sermon to life.

Italian Soccer League Criticized for Monkeys in Anti-Racism Campaign

A top official of Italy’s Serie A soccer league was forced to apologize for a recent anti-racism campaign painting, after people complained about ...

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Gender Reveal Party Marred by Accidental Death

Friends and relatives of the Kreimeyer family gathered for a gender reveal party. But tragedy struck when the improvised explosive device accidentally ...

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Suspected Car Thieves Leave Selfies Behind in Vehicle

Joe Williams was grateful to find that the vehicle he reported stolen had been recovered. But the car thieves left behind several oddities along with ...

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The Lighthouse That Wrecked More Ships Than it Saved

For more than forty years a lighthouse stood on a large peninsula jutting into the Tasman Sea in southern Australia. It stood at a place where it shouldn’t ...

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Carelessness Leads to Sin

Carelessness is the initial phase of sinning.

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Hurried Interpretations

God makes his will visible to men in events, an obscure text written in a mysterious language. Men make their translations of it instantly; hasty translations, ...

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When God Speaks

Any of us more than 25 years old can probably remember where we were when we first heard of President Kennedy's assassination in 1963. British novelist ...

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The Road to Excellence

Badness you can get easily, in quantity: the road is smooth and lies close by. But in front of excellence the immortal gods have put sweat, and long and ...

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No Loose Strings

We must face the fact that many today are notoriously careless in their living. This attitude finds its way into the church. We have liberty, we have ...

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