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Sermon Illustrations about Cause & Effect

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Cause & Effect to help bring your sermon to life.

Anger’s Negative Effect on Our Heart

Anger is bad for your health in more ways than you think. Getting angry doesn’t just hurt our mental health, it’s also damaging to our hearts, ...

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Low Doses of Sin

Many have discussed whether or not radiation from cell phones causes cancer. Author Douglas Fields writes about the fact that some people are fearful ...

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Man Accidentally Pepper-Sprays Himself Mid-Robbery

In the town of Merced, which is named after the Spanish word for “mercy,” a bumbling robbery attempt was quickly brought to a merciful end. ...

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Waiting for the Final Proof that Righteousness Pays

Author/speaker Christopher Ash asks, “What are we to make of the Bible’s passages that seem to speak quite straightforwardly of blessings ...

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Fighter Jet Forced to Land after Self-Inflicted Bullet Damage

In January, the Dutch Defense Safety Inspection Agency launched an investigation about an F-16 fighter that suffered damage from 20-millimeter cannon ...

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The ‘Easter Effect’ and How it Changed the World

In a Wall Street Journalarticle, George Weigel gives a combination history lesson and apologetic for the Resurrection:

There is no accounting for the rise ...

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Former Hitman Sues TV Show for Depicting His Mafia Past for Daughter to See

Pasquale di Filippo was horrified recently by the violence his daughter was exposed to on television—violence he was partially responsible for.

The ...

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Goose Shot from Sky Falls, Knocks Maryland Hunter Unconscious

A hunter was hospitalized after a goose fell from midair and landed on him.

Robert Meilhammer, 51, was out hunting with three others when his party noticed ...

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What Happens When Parents are Rude in the Hospital?

The New York Times reported on an interesting study in an article titled "What Happens When Parents are Rude in the Hospital." A researcher ...

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Athletes Blame Woes on Defective Soccer Balls

During the 2002 Soccer World Cup, Adidas introduced their Fevernova soccer ball, which featured a new design that was supposed to make the ball follow ...

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