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Sermon Illustrations about Celebrities

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Celebrities to help bring your sermon to life.

Chris Rock's Heritage

Vibe magazine interviewed popular comedian and actor Chris Rock. When asked, "Were you raised Christian?" Rock answered:

I wasn't raised ...

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John Lennon's Son, on Dad

I felt he was a hypocrite. Dad could talk about peace and love out loud to the world, but he could never show it to the people who supposedly meant the ...

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The Advantage of Marriage

There's something really great about waking up and knowing somebody loves you and that you love somebody. I know that sounds gooey, but it's true. ...

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The Limitations of Celebrity

As far as I can remember, being a celebrity has never helped me make a good picture, ... or command the obedience of my daughter, or impress my wife. ...

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Jesus, Our Stunt Double

Actor Kevin Bacon recounted when his 6-year-old son saw Footloose for the first time:

He said, "Hey, Dad, you know that thing in the movie where you ...

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Failure or Opportunity?

Somebody asked Winston Churchill one time, "What most prepared you to lead Great Britain through World War II?" For a period of time, Great ...

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Distracted Fans

We've lost ourselves in the cult of personality. We seem to have become "fans," passive spectators of the passing scene. The stars whom ...

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No Great Men

Why have we no great men? We have no great men chiefly because we are always looking for them. We are connoisseurs of greatness, and connoisseurs can ...

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Pity for the Legends

Around a man who has been pushed into the limelight, a legend begins to grow as it does around a dead man. But a dead man is in no danger of yielding ...

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A Relucant Celebrity

One afternoon, Tish, a young mother in our church, had run out of ideas to keep her two children, Julie and Jonathon, busy. Then she remembered a sign ...

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