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Sermon Illustrations about Celibacy

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Celibacy to help bring your sermon to life.

More Than 25% of Americans Live Alone

The number of people who live alone—more than a quarter of all Americans—is on the rise in the US, according to 2020 census data. Single-person ...

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Why Hollywood Praises Elliot Page (and Blacklists Becket Cook)

For years Becket Cook had a highly successful career as a production designer in the fashion world. During that time, he lived fully engaged as a gay ...

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Sexual Activity is not Necessary for a Well-Lived Life

Debra Hirsch experienced a dramatic conversion to faith in Jesus after drug abuse and sex with both men and women. She now holds a Traditional view of ...

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The Bible's High View of Singleness

In her book The Significance of Singleness, Christina Hitchcock writes:

A journalist named Kate Bolick wrote an article for The Atlantic magazine looking ...

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Popular Blogger Reproved for Stance on LGBTQ Relationships

In an interview popular blogger Jen Hatmaker was asked, "Do you think an LGBT relationship can be holy?" Hatmaker replied:

I do. And my views ...

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Celibacy Is a Choice; Singleness Is Our Destiny

Christopher Yuan, a transformed believer whose past includes gay prostitution, says that celibacy is a choice, but singleness is each person's origin ...

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Dating App Helps People Connect for Sex

An article in Vanity Fair contains some shocking quotes and vignettes about a website that connects people for the sole purpose of having sex. Marty, ...

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Covenant Eyes Quotes Porn Addicts

Covenant Eyes, a Christian company that sells internet accountability software, receives thousands of emails from people struggling with viewing online ...

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Pixar Film Proclaims Message on Romantic Love

Editor's Note: The Pixar movie Inside Out includes a short film called Lava, a quick story about two volcanoes who fall in love. In the following ...

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A Song and a Prayer for Sexual Temptation

Rich Mullins, a Christian musician and songwriter who died in 1997 at the age of 41, once confessed in a concert that he struggled with watching pornography ...

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