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Sermon Illustrations about Challenges

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Challenges to help bring your sermon to life.

Famous Actor: ‘I Guess the Plan Is Just Hope’

Robert Pattinson has experienced a great deal of career success. High profile roles like Edward in the Twilight series, Cedric Diggory in the Harry Potter ...

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Finishing Well

Many professional athletes have their trademarks when it comes to celebrating their wins. Tiger Woods has his legendary fist pump. The eight-time Olympic ...

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Disabled Coach Inspires Kids on the Court

Scott Bozearth coaches two youth basketball teams in New Jersey. And it was a good year, both teams made a championship run this season. If you coach ...

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Climbing Mount Everest is Only Half the Battle

Jon Krakauer cleared the ice from his oxygen mask, hunched a shoulder against the wind, and straddled the summit of Mount Everest. It was 1:17 PM on May ...

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Claiming the Summit Without Reaching the Top

Only 44 people have reached the summit of all 14 of the world’s 26,000-foot peaks, according to the record books. Or, maybe no one has. The difference ...

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In Our Weakness We Find Strength

Noriyuki Morita developed spinal tuberculosis when he was two years old. It was so severe that he was hospitalized for nine years. He was told that he ...

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Purdue University Honors Sisters Who Persevered

Purdue University recently announced the renaming of two of its residence halls after two extraordinary alumni, Freida and Winifred Parker. In 1946, they ...

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The Challenges that Gave Elon Musk His Passion

All of us have odds to overcome, but those odds are not the enemy. ... By his own admission, Elon Musk had a difficult childhood. He was bullied during ...

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James Earl Jones' Long Pursuit of Contentment

As he wrapped up his work as the voice of Darth Vader in the 2014 Star Wars film Rogue One, James Earl Jones opened up about his struggles with a speech ...

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The Companies That Help People Vanish

All over the world, from the US to Germany to the UK, some people decide to disappear from their own lives without a trace--leaving their homes, jobs, ...

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