Sermon Illustrations about Charity
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Charity to help bring your sermon to life.
Homeless Man's Honesty Prompts Lavish Charity
When Sarah Darling dropped some change into a homeless man's cup, she didn't notice anything amiss. But she quickly realized that her diamond ...
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Billionaire's Giving Lesson for Grads
In the pouring rain, Robert Hale Jr., founder and CEO of wholesale telecommunications provider Granite Telecommunications, took the stage for the graduation ...
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Surprising Age Group Leads in Charitable Giving
The holidays are here, and plenty of people are thinking about the gifts they hope to receive. However, many Americans are also considering what they ...
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Rare Jordans in Donation Bin Auctioned for Charity
When James Free looked inside the donation bin, he saw something that he normally sees: a pair of shoes. Free was volunteering with Portland Rescue Mission, ...
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Online Typo Spurs Wave of Donations
Michael heard from a neighbor about a charitable cause that he wanted to support. So, he found the GoFundMe website and began the donation process. Michael ...
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Charity Director Sentenced for Fraud
When US District Court judge Sara Ellis sentenced Stuart Nitzkin to more than three years in prison, she noted that the case essentially boiled down to ...
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Former NBA Player Prosecuted for Charity Fraud
A federal judge sentenced retired NBA forward Kermit Washington, 66, to six years without parole for his role in a charity-related fraud scheme, only ...
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When Humanitarian Relief Goes Wrong
In the wake of the destruction from Hurricane Harvey (2017), Americans rallied to provide aid and relief. But not all of the "help" actually ...
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St. Nicholas—Patron Saint of Pawn Shops
Many people don't realize that Santa Claus, based on the real historical person of Saint Nicholas, a leader in the early church from the city of Myra, ...
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Tim Keller's "Sequel" to the Good Samaritan
We're all familiar with the parable of the Good Samaritan. A despised Samaritan stops to help a man who has been beaten by robbers. One of the main ...
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