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Sermon Illustrations about Children

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Children to help bring your sermon to life.

Father and Daughter Bond Through Encouragement

Former Oregon Ducks star Greg Bell remembers a pivotal moment that changed his relationship with his daughter Sofia.

Greg had just finished watching Sofia, ...

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Opting Out of the ‘Preschool Pressure Cooker’

An interesting article in The Wall Street Journal noted that "we are living through a particularly anxious moment in the history of American parenting." ...

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Childhood Trauma and Later Addictions

According to an article in Scientific American magazine more than 40 percent of people with opioid addiction reported some type of childhood abuse or ...

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Calming Kids this Way Could Backfire

In today’s digital age, it’s become increasingly common for parents to hand their upset child a smartphone or tablet to calm them down. But ...

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Parents Ignore Advice on Screen Time for Children

Parents are bombarded with a dizzying list of orders when it comes to screen time and young children: No screens for babies under 18 months. Limit screens ...

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Anxiety Keeps 25% of Children Up at Night

For parents of young children, few things are as precious as a good night’s sleep—both for their child and for themselves. Yet many parents ...

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Coach Offers to Adopt Players’ Unwanted Babies

After celebrating his national championship as the head football coach for the Michigan Wolverines, Jim Harbaugh made a surprise appearance at the March ...

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‘Just as Long as Our Baby Is Healthy’

How many times have you heard expectant couples say, "Well, as long as our baby is healthy"? John Knight from Desiring God ministries cautions, ...

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Two Very Different Ways to Be an Evangelist

Leader, author, and evangelist Leighton Ford wrote the following as he remembered his wife, Jean Graham Ford, and her brother, Billy.

“Don’t ...

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Childhood Love of Mail Replaced with Adult Fear of Mail

As 29-year-old Neha Wright checked her mailbox and brought in the latest batch of bills, she realized the moment had finally arrived: Her childhood love ...

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