Sermon Illustrations about Christ, Indwelling
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Christ, Indwelling to help bring your sermon to life.
A Temple to Music
Here's the most famous place you've never heard of. It's St. Peter's Church Hall in Liverpool, England. It looks like a typical church ...
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The Family with No Fingerprints
22-year-old Apu Sarker lives with his family in a village in northern Bangladesh. His father and his grandfather were farmers. The men in Apu's family ...
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Why Do Cats Get Stuck in Trees?
Do you ever wonder why house cats can climb up a tree, but they don't know how to get down the tree? Animal expert and autism advocate Temple Grandin ...
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Jesus Is the Music
Sam Allberry writes in an article for the Gospel Coalition:
A friend of mine has a little motto thing on the wall of her office, one of these little sayings ...
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Inspiration for Imitators
Tim Challies writes:
Every now and again Aileen gets into cooking shows. Every time she does, it works out well for me. And for the kids. It could be Top ...
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Take Courage, You Are Not Alone
In C.S. Lewis’ book, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, a young girl Lucy, her brother Edmund, and their cousin Eustace are taken to Narnia where the ...
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NFL Player Reprimands Jersey-Clad Fan Crime
Sometimes NFL fans are embarrassed by the players they cheer for when they get into scrapes with the law. But this time, the proverbial football cleat ...
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The Power of Our Identity in Christ
In his book Identity Matters, Christian author Terry Wardle tells a story from his childhood. Terry had a hand-me-down, fixed-up, big, blue girl's ...
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We Are Ambassadors for Christ Not for Ourselves
In season one, episode eight of the Netflix series, The Crown, a drama following the life of Queen Elizabeth II, the Queen travels to Ceylon on a diplomatic ...
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Christ in You Makes You Like a Superhero
To explain how Christ in us now labors to make us more human, not less, pastor/author Rankin Wilbourne used the following illustration:
Consider two superheroes, ...
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