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Sermon Illustrations about Christ, lamb of God

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Christ, lamb of God to help bring your sermon to life.

London Structure Burned to Commemorate Anniversary of Devastating Fire

London witnessed a spectacular scene when a giant wooden replica of the city ignited and burned brilliantly to the ground. The conflagration was planned, ...

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Tim Keller: Christ Took on Our Rejection

No greater pain has ever been experienced on any level than the hell of Christ suffering in this moment. But why? Because he carried all of that pain, ...

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How Do You Measure the Seriousness of Sin?

How do we measure the size of a fire? By the number of firefighters and fire engines sent to fight against it. How do we measure the seriousness of a ...

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Man Spits and Slaps Important Judge

David C. Nicosia, a business owner in Chicago, had no idea who he was slapping. The 55-year-old man was outside the Cook County Courthouse when he became ...

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Theologian Michael Horton on the Gospel

The gospel is not good instructions, not a good idea, and not good advice. The gospel is an announcement of what God has done for us in Jesus Christ.

—Michael ...

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Soldier Gains Entrance by Wounds

In 1863, during the Civil War, General "Stonewall" Jackson was accidentally shot by his own troops in 1863. His body was laid in the Capitol ...

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Principal Takes Student's Punishment

A modern parable: At a parochial middle school, a boy stands with back arched and hands clenched. "Go ahead, give it to me," he says.

The principal ...

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Sacrificial Love

On August 16, 1987, Northwest Airlines flight 225 crashed just after taking off from the Detroit airport, killing 155 people. One survived: a four-year-old ...

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