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Sermon Illustrations about Christ, Suffering Servant

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Christ, Suffering Servant to help bring your sermon to life.

The Reason for Christ’s Anguish in the Garden

How are we to understand Jesus’ cry of dereliction, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” along with his desperate prayer in the ...

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Christ Suffered for Us - The Lesson of The Lepers

In her book Ten Fingers for God, Dorothy Clarke Wilson writes about Dr. Paul Brand who worked with leprosy patients in India.

Sometimes they would all ...

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Facebook Rejects Theology Ad: ‘Cross is Shocking and Excessively Violent’

A Franciscan University in Ohio recently posted a series of ads on Facebook to promote some of its online theology programs. But Facebook rejected one ...

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Treat Me like a German Shepherd

How far would you go to understand the struggles of someone else? How close would you get? Consider the sacrifice of Kris Rotonda. Many thought he was ...

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When Suffering, Find Empathy in the Cross

We do not always get a simple, satisfying answer to all of our questions about suffering. In a 2014 testimony about his experience with a debilitating ...

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When a Muslim Was Overpowered by God's Selfless Love

Nabeel Qureshi, a Muslim convert to Jesus Christ, had a "resolutely" Muslim friend named Sahar who was attracted to parts of Christianity but ...

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The Crucifixion of Jesus Is Unique Among Famous Deaths

There have been many famous deaths in world history; we might think of John F. Kennedy, or Marie Antoinette, or Cleopatra, but we do not refer to "the ...

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Finding Christ's Presence in Cancer

On his 39th birthday, poet Christian Wiman was diagnosed with an incurable form of blood cancer. He wrote frankly about the agonizing effects of his illness ...

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Tim Keller: Christ Took on Our Rejection

No greater pain has ever been experienced on any level than the hell of Christ suffering in this moment. But why? Because he carried all of that pain, ...

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NYPD's Hostage Negotiator on Empathy

Lt. Jack Cambria has spent more than a decade talking people down from the ledge. Until his retirement in 2015, he was the commanding officer of the NYPD's ...

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