Sermon Illustrations about Christ
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Christ to help bring your sermon to life.
Artist Is Sickened by Adam
Stephen Steele writes about sculptor Gillian Genser who was experiencing headaches, vomiting, hearing loss, confusion, and suicidal thoughts. For years, ...
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Baseball Card Nets $7.2m Due to Name
Sportswriter Jason Gay wrote an article about a rare baseball card of the famous Babe Ruth.
At first glance, it looked like an ordinary, unexceptional, ...
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How a Movie Plot Twist Changes the Way We Read the Old Testament
All of Scripture speaks of Jesus. Once we read about him in the New Testament, we can never read the Old Testament the same way. Tremper Longman III explains ...
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God Himself Stepped into the Gospel Story
In describing the incarnation Jill Carattini wrote:
Novelist Kurt Vonnegut once said of one of his most recurrent characters, “Kilgore was the only ...
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The King Who Became a Commoner for Love
There was no question he loved her. He was absolutely bedazzled by her. Surprising, really, because she was plain, maybe even… well, (to someone ...
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Jesus is the Missing Piece in the Picture Puzzle
Families and children around the world have grown to love a special retelling of the biblical storyline from The Jesus Storybook Bible written by Sally ...
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Man Tries to Live Like a Badger
In his everyday life, Charles Foster is a respected veterinarian, a practicing lawyer, and a teacher at Oxford University in England. But as noted in ...
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N.T. Wright's Projected Last Words
When the Bible scholar N.T. (Tom) Wright was asked what he would tell his children on his deathbed he said, "Look at Jesus." Tom Wright explained ...
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A Parable about Missing the Obvious
A customs officer observes a truck pulling up at the border. Suspicious, he orders the driver out and searches the vehicle. He pulls off the panels, bumpers, ...
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The Secret to Effective Tightrope Walking
There's a special word for those tightrope walkers who display amazing feats of balance on a high wire—they're called funambulists. In his ...
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