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Sermon Illustrations about Christian practices

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Christian practices to help bring your sermon to life.

Little Girl Helps Family Discover "The Power of Half"

While waiting at a traffic light with her parents in Atlanta, Georgia, Kevin and Joan Salwen's 14-year-old daughter, Hannah, saw a black Mercedes ...

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Fractured French and a Lesson About Prayer

Timothy Jones writes in “The Art of Prayer:”

We don't like to stand speechless or stammering before God, but that doesn't mean God ...

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Eugene Peterson on Prayer as Answering Speech

Prayer is answering speech. The first word is God's word. Prayer is a human word and is never the initiating and shaping word simply because we are ...

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Petitions That Honor Our King

Travel back 200 years in Christian history to John Newton, the slave-trader-turned-pastor and hymn writer. He would receive almost unbelievable answers ...

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What It Means to Excel at Giving

Paul said, "See that you also excel in this grace of giving" (2 Corinthians 8:7). Like piano playing, giving is a skill. With practice, we get ...

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The Failure of "Almost"

Since the 1940s, the Ad Council has been the leading producer of public service announcements. Of the thousands of commercials they have produced, their ...

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Pitifully Small Donations of the Richest Christians in History

In his Books & Culture article "A Lot of Lattés," Ron Sider reviews Passing the Plate: Why American Christians Don't Give Away ...

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NFL Quarterback Kurt Warner's Family Tradition

Kurt Warner, the two-time NFL MVP quarterback of the Arizona Cardinals, started a family tradition he calls The Restaurant Game. The night before he heads ...

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Teenager Tries to Call the President

Access to the most powerful leader in the world—the President of the United States of America—is granted only to the few who have successfully ...

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The Purpose of Work

He who labors ought to perform his task not for the purpose of ministering to his own needs but that he may accomplish the Lord's command, 'I ...

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