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Sermon Illustrations about Church History

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Church History to help bring your sermon to life.

It’s Not the Healthy Who Need A Doctor

Justin Kimball had not even worked a year in health care when he invented medical insurance in 1929. A former teacher, the vice president of Baylor Hospital ...

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Thousands of Black Gospel Records Saved from Obscurity

For the last dozen years, in the basement of a university library in Waco, Texas, a small team of audio engineers has been busy trying to save black gospel ...

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The Early Church Succeeded Where We Are Failing

In their book, The Way Back, Phil Cooke and Jonathan Bock ask significant questions:

Why did the Early Church succeed where we are failing? How did they ...

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How the Church Acts Like a Mother

An early church leader named Cyprian once said, "No one can have God as his Father who does not have the church as his mother." Augustine also ...

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Whatever Happened to History?

Some [evangelicals] have fixated upon "me and the Bible, and especially me," so that what Bible reading becomes is primarily an assertion of ...

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Helpful Heretics

Heretics often provided a great service to the church. For example, Marcion rejected the Old Testament and the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and John, thus ...

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The Drama of Dogma

The Christian faith is the most exciting drama that ever staggered the imagination of man--and the dogma is the drama. That drama is summarized quite ...

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The Importance of History

How shall we labor with any effect to build up the church, if we have no thorough knowledge of her history, or fail to apprehend it from the proper point ...

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Domitian (Emperor of Rome 81-96 A.D.)

The historian Pliny called Domitian the beast from hell who sat in its den, licking blood. In the Book of Revelation, John of the Apocalypse may have ...

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God's Glory in Wood and Stone

Intriguing facts behind one of medieval Christendom's magnificent legacies:

The Cathedral

Cathedrals required massive amounts of building materials. ...

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