Sermon Illustrations about Church Staff
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College Basketball Team Thrives on Teamwork
The unheralded Florida Atlantic University men’s basketball team made it all the way to the 2023 NCAA Final Four. How did they make it that far, ...
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Can A Job Title Change Your Behavior?
Do impressive-sounding, inspirational job titles make us feel better about ourselves? Can they change our behavior? Research suggests that job titles ...
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Neil Armstrong's 'One Small Step' Required Thousands of People
After NASA Apollo 11's incredible feat of three men on the moon in June of 1969, astronaut Michael Collins said, "All this is possible only through ...
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Indian Army Sets World Record with 58 Men on One Motorcycle
In an audacious display of teamwork, 58 Indian Army Service Corp (ASC) soldiers set a world record when they collectively rode one motorcycle in excess ...
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Shared Dreams Push Us to Excel
In their book, Known, Dick and Ruth Foth write that:
During the Great Depression, nine ordinary young men from the University of Washington accomplished ...
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Successful Sports Team Captains Are Rarely Stars
In his book about famous sports team captains titled The Captain Class, Sam Walker examines the hidden forces that create the world's greatest sports ...
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The Power of Touch for NBA Teams
Dr. Dacher Keltner, a professor of psychology and the scientific adviser for Pixar's film Inside Out, claims that human touch is the "the foundations ...
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A Laser—the Power of Unified Light
In 1957 a graduate student at Columbia University named Gordon Gould had been working with "pumping" atoms to higher energy states so they would ...
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Largest Lego Model Took Vision and Teamwork
The newest addition to the grand list of Coolest Things Ever was first unveiled in New York City in 2013: the Lego X-Wing, the largest Lego model ever ...
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Building 20 at MIT Brought Together Diverse People
MIT used to have a famous office building simply called Building 20. This structure, located at the intersection of Main and Vassar Streets in East Cambridge, ...
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