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Sermon Illustrations about Church

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Church to help bring your sermon to life.

My Bible Says ...

A phrase I wouldn't mind expunging from any theological debate between Christians: "My Bible says that. ..." As if those on the other side ...

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The Flippant Believer

I am disturbed when I hear believers say "Lord" thoughtlessly. Many Christians are guilty of making Christ only a figurehead while continuing ...

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Snow on the Summits

If we saw the Church as she is in the most generous souls who live most truly the life of the Church, she would appear most beautiful in our sight, despite ...

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Practical Atheism

Most professing Christians, from liberals to fundamentalists, remain practical atheists. They think the church is sustained by the services it provides ...

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The Mark of Holy Ambition

A striking mark of holy ambition is that it elevates Christ and not the ambitious striver.

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Accountability as Safeguard

Accountability to another is the only way to safeguard against poor judgment, unconscious motivations, and self-deception.

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Dangerous Assumption

I have not heard recently of committee business adjourned because those present were still awaiting the arrival of the Spirit of God. I have known projects ...

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Spiritual Awakening?

Sermons affect different people in different ways: some rise to go greatly strengthened; some awake greatly rested.

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