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Sermon Illustrations about Coincidence

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Coincidence to help bring your sermon to life.

When ‘Bad Luck’ Is Not So Bad After All

In a fictional YouTube video, the main character, Eric, is walking his dog Nova. The dog sees a rabbit, runs after it, pulling the leash from Eric's ...

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Rude Patron Transforms Woman into Lottery Winner

The next time LeQuedra Edwards unexpectedly bumps into someone, she might expect more than just an awkward situation. Because her last unexpected bump ...

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A Missed Flight That Changed a Life

On May 25, 1979, Denis Waitley was desperately trying to catch a flight from Chicago to Los Angeles. When he arrived at his gate, they had just closed ...

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Roller Coaster Rider Catches Neighbor's Phone During Ride

Samuel Kempf was in Spain representing New Zealand in the Fistballing World Championship when he took a break to ride a rollercoaster. While he was on ...

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Photobombing Pigeon Spares Driver from Speeding Ticket

Local police are convinced that a driver owes his recent good fortune to divine intervention after a pigeon prevented the person from being cited for ...

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Simple Text Message Leads to Marriage

After a night out with friends, David Brown, an Englishman, woke up with a series of random numbers on his mind. After much internal debate as to why ...

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"Signs": No Coincidences

Signs is the story of the Hess family in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, who wake up one morning to find a 500-foot crop circle in the middle of their cornfield. ...

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Guard Your Interpretation

Reading God's hand into circumstances can be an evasion of genuine commitment to being His person in them. It can be an insidious alternative to giving ...

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Coincidence or Providence?

[A]s somebody said, ... "Coincidences are God's way of remaining anonymous."

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