Sermon Illustrations about Communion
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Communion to help bring your sermon to life.
London Structure Burned to Commemorate Anniversary of Devastating Fire
London witnessed a spectacular scene when a giant wooden replica of the city ignited and burned brilliantly to the ground. The conflagration was planned, ...
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The Wonder of Bread By the Numbers
3,975 The number of feet of the longest loaf of bread in the world, made at a bakers' party in Portugal in 2005. When sliced, it fed over 15,000 people. ...
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Humanity's History of 'Breaking Bread' Together
An issue of National Geographic explored how sharing food together has always been part of the human story. The article points to a cave near Tel Aviv ...
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The Under-Appreciated Home-cooked Meal
Research shared by The Smithsonian highlights something that stay-at-home mom's have felt for a long time: home-cooking is a burden on women and under-appreciated ...
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Author Asks If 'We' Are Present during the Lord's Supper
In the [distracted] digital age, it may be the case that the classical debates about the presence of Jesus Christ in the [Lord's Supper] have been ...
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The Stories We Love Will Shape Our Character
Professor Daniel Taylor notes that as a child Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a Christian leader who was executed for resisting the Nazis, was greatly moved by reading ...
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Former Addict Meets with God During the Lord’s Supper
In his book titled The Gospel According to Jesus, Chris Seay shares the following story:
"One week I was preaching in our church about the kingdom ...
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Chuck Swindoll Recalls the Impact of His Father's "Last Words"
Chuck Swindoll writes:
One of my most unforgettable moments happened when I was about ten years old. My father served our country during World War II in ...
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First Time of Communion Changes Woman's Life
In her memoir Take This Bread, author Sara Miles shares how the first time she ever took Communion changed her life forever. She writes:
One early, cloudy ...
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What You Call God Probably Reflects Degree of Closeness
In his book The Christian Atheist, Craig Groeschel offers a litmus test of sorts that might shed a little light on your relationship with God. He writes: ...
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