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Sermon Illustrations about Community impact

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Community impact to help bring your sermon to life.

The Antidote to the Loneliness Epidemic

Loneliness is more than a feeling; it’s a public health crisis.

U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy has been raising awareness about the loneliness ...

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Man Uses Drone to Find Lost Pets

After losing his dog for 19 days, one Utah man turned heartbreak into action, using cutting-edge drone technology to help others.

Keith Anderson’s ...

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Agnostic Laments Declining Church Attendance

Journalist Derek Thompson is lamenting the decline of church attendance in America. As an agnostic, one would think he would be pleased. In a piece for ...

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Humble People Are More Helpful

It's always interesting listening to some folks who are trying to make sense of Christian virtues. For example, The Journal of Positive Psychology ...

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Billionaire's Giving Lesson for Grads

In the pouring rain, Robert Hale Jr., founder and CEO of wholesale telecommunications provider Granite Telecommunications, took the stage for the graduation ...

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Surprising Age Group Leads in Charitable Giving

The holidays are here, and plenty of people are thinking about the gifts they hope to receive. However, many Americans are also considering what they ...

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Unofficial Aquarium Becomes Community Hangout

Brooklyn residents were in mourning in late October after a leaky fire hydrant was paved over by city workers. Over the previous summer, leaks from the ...

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The Death of the Dining Room

The dining room is the closest thing the American home has to an appendix—a dispensable feature that served some more important function at an earlier ...

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The Light of the Gospel

In his novel, This Is Happiness, Niall Williams’ elderly narrator, Noe (pronounced No), remembers when electricity and light came to their little ...

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An Rx for Teen Anxiety

In an article in Scientific American titled, "Rx for Teen Mental Health: Volunteering," Lydia Denworth writes that "helping others might ...

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