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Sermon Illustrations about Concern

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Concern to help bring your sermon to life.

Americans Have Sense of Dread and Division

Two days after the attempted assassination of former President Trump, The Wall Street Journal ran an article with the following title:

“‘I’m ...

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Experts Concerned About Chatbots Making Stuff Up

Gerrit De Vynck wrote a story in The Washington Post about how artificial intelligences respond to the errors they make.

Citing a recent MIT research paper, ...

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Umpire ‘Ejects’ Grounds Crew During MLB Game

In Major League Baseball, it’s common for umpires to eject players or team personnel whose behavior is deemed out of line. But rarely does those ...

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The Hope and Promise of the Empathy Machine

Lacking the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, modern society is looking for new, innovative ways to help make people more empathetic. Facebook’s Mark ...

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The Cares of Life and the Kudzu Vine

The Kudzu vine was introduced into the US from Japan in 1876 as part of an ornamental plant exhibition in Philadelphia. The Kudzu vine was subsequently ...

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TV Reporter Diagnosed with Cancer with Viewer’s Help

Victoria Price was working as a reporter for her local NBC affiliate station when she received an urgent suggestion to seek her doctor. But the idea didn’t ...

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What Wearing A Mask During Pandemic Says to Others

During his daily press briefing on May 12, 2020, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo tried to influence more New Yorkers to wear a mask in public, in order ...

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Living with Uncertainty in a Time of Crisis

Author Elizabeth L. Silver wrote the very personal memoir The Tincture of Time. It is about her then baby daughter’s stroke at six weeks and the ...

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Buoys Fail to Warn Islanders of Future Danger

On October 25, 2010, a massive earthquake set off a tsunami that struck some Indonesian Islands. The tsunamis leveled whole villages, leaving hundreds ...

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Asian Students Seek Unity in Christ

Every three years InterVarsity Christian Fellowship sponsors the Urbana Conference, a gathering that challenges university students to get involved in ...

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