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Sermon Illustrations about Confession

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Confession to help bring your sermon to life.

What's Sin Got to Do with It?

As an 18-year-old Nova Scotian farm boy, I wanted adventure, so I decided to join the Navy. When I reported to the naval base in Halifax for my interview, ...

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Saying You're Sorry

Women say "I'm sorry" a lot more often than men. Does that mean they're doing more things they have to apologize for? Nope, says Georgetown ...

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Wanted: Better Self-Critics

It would be wonderful if St. Augustine's kind of confessional self-scrutiny (or that of St. John of the Cross in his Dark Night of the Soul) would ...

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Virtues of Character Development

Lord, when we are wrong, make us willing to change. And when we are right, make us easy to live with.

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Short Accounts

Keep short accounts with God.

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Confess Sins to God Directly

"It is not confession to man but to God, who is the true Priest of souls, that is the great need of sinful man. Private confession and the whole ...

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No Excuses

In his book with Ken Blanchard, Everyone's a Coach, Don Shula tells of losing his temper near an open microphone during a televised game with the ...

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All for Jesus

He cannot bless us unless he has us. When we try to keep within us an area that is our own, we try to keep an area of death. Therefore, in love, He claims ...

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