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Sermon Illustrations about Confidence

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Confidence to help bring your sermon to life.

Father and Daughter Bond Through Encouragement

Former Oregon Ducks star Greg Bell remembers a pivotal moment that changed his relationship with his daughter Sofia.

Greg had just finished watching Sofia, ...

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A God Who Listens and a God Who Speaks

In his autobiographical novel, Everything Sad is Untrue, Daniel Nayeri describes fleeing from Iran as a boy to escape persecution for his Christian faith. ...

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Dog Survives Standoff with Shark

Travelers on a boat tour in the Bahamas were relieved after witnessing an incident on the waters. Witnesses say they saw a twelve-foot-long hammerhead ...

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Americans Worry About Money Far Too Much

Writing in the Atlantic, author and researcher Arthur C. Brooks says, “Money is one of the things Americans worry about most in the world.” ...

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Skier Trusts His Father’s Voice

Jacob Smith, is a 15-year-old legally blind freeride skier. Jacob has extreme tunnel vision--and no depth perception on top of that. What he does see ...

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When God’s Hand Is Invisible

Sandra McCracken writes in CT magazine:

A few years ago, I sat on the front porch of an old farmhouse in Vermont … with two friends. Above us, at ...

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Principal Cuts Student's Hair to Remedy His Insecurity

Many middle-school boys have memories of barbershop haircuts. But for one boy, his most memorable cut happened elsewhere. Anthony Moore is a student at ...

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Passion Overcomes Risk

Every sport involves some level of risk. But the greatest risk must be faced by those in motorsports. In an interview with Sports History Weekly, Mario ...

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Biggest Millennial Struggle? Decision Fatigue

Tess Brigham, a licensed psychotherapist, specializes in treating those in the millennial generation. It wasn’t her decision; they just came flocking ...

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The Faith and Courage of Harriet Tubman

Harriet Tubman was born into slavery on a Maryland plantation in 1822. As she grew up, she was made to work driving oxen, trapping muskrats in the woods, ...

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