Sermon Illustrations about Contentment
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Contentment to help bring your sermon to life.
Realistic Happiness
Who could speak more realistically about the illusion of a yuppie value system than Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who suffered deprivation of all that money ...
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When Desire Becomes Coveting
When does proper desire become coveting? I think we can put the answer down simply: desire becomes sin when it fails to include the love of God or men. ...
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The Meaning of Covetousness
Covetousness is simply craving more of what you have enough of already.
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Don't Count on the Ideal
When you define contentment as an ideal match, you're subject to the fact that it's like passion: it often doesn't last long.
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Deeper Possession the Higher Ambition
Surely the higher ambition is entering into the deeper possession of what we already have rather than going out to acquire something new.
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The Danger of Moderate Success
Moderate success in ministry is a spiritual hazard. It can make us content to live without the manifest presence of God.
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True Contentment, True Praise
One who makes it a rule to be content in every part and accident of life because it comes from God praises God in a much higher manner than one who has ...
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Contentment, the Second-Highest Art
Next to faith this is the highest art--to be content with the calling in which God has placed you. I have not learned it yet.
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It Could Be Worse
The Hope Health Letter (10/95) included this story:
Once upon a time, there was a man who lived with his wife, two small children, and his elderly parents ...
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The Best Profession
The Christian ministry is the worst of all trades, but the best of all professions.
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