Sermon Illustrations about Conviction of Sin
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Conviction of Sin to help bring your sermon to life.
Naked and Ashamed
Human shame is a feeling of distress at our deficiencies, deformities, or absurdities--real or imagined--and especially at the uncovering of these things. ...
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Turn Around
Repentance is not basically a religious word. It comes from a culture where people were essentially nomadic and lived in a world with no maps or street ...
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Dramatic Conversion
All Sins Swept Away:
A slave describes her delayed but dramatic conversion.
Jarena Lee (1783-c.1850) was one of the outstanding preachers in the African ...
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Sin: The Great Depression
The modern view seems much nicer to talk about than sin. Sin is so depressing. It makes people feel bad about themselves--or so psychologists tell us.
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Silence Isn't Always Golden
At times one hesitates to reprove or admonish evil-doers, either because one seeks a more favorable moment or fears his rebuke might make them worse, ...
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A Voice from the Window
Jawanza Kunjufu, in his book, Restoring the Village, writes:
When I was a 14-year-old high school freshman, school was dismissed early for a teachers' ...
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Offending the Guilty
I find it impossible to avoid offending guilty men, for there is no way of avoiding it but by our silence or their patience; and silent we cannot be because ...
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Don't Get Too Comfortable
People wish to be settled; only as far as they are unsettled is there any hope for them.
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Too Close to Home
After the service: "Powerful sermons, Pastor. Thoughtful, well researched. I can always see myself in them. And I want you to knock it off."
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