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Sermon Illustrations about Coveting

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Coveting to help bring your sermon to life.

White Collar Thieves

A number of people from my church had gone out for dinner, and as we each put in our money to pay the bill, one person told a story that reveals much ...

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Poisoned by Greed

Recently I laid a small circle of poison around a hill of stinging ants. Thinking the tiny granules of poison were food, the ants began to pick them up ...

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Malicious Wish

Two shopkeepers were bitter rivals. Their stores were directly across the street from each other, and they would spend each day keeping track of each ...

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Envying Mozart

Remember the story of Mozart's life told from the perspective of Antonio Salieri. The play and the film were both called Amadeus. Salieri was the ...

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The Power of Envy

Three churches struggled to survive. Then one of the churches called a pastor who was extremely gifted. His sermons were relevant and gripping. His personality ...

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Deeper Possession the Higher Ambition

Surely the higher ambition is entering into the deeper possession of what we already have rather than going out to acquire something new.

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Misplaced Values

I once heard of a child who was raising a frightful cry because he had shoved his hand into the opening of a very expensive Chinese vase and then couldn't ...

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