Sermon Illustrations about Crucifixion
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Crucifixion to help bring your sermon to life.
An Atheist’s Dilemma
In an issue of CT magazine, author Jordan Monge shares her journey from atheism to faith in Christ. She writes:
I don’t know when I first became ...
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The Reason for Christ’s Anguish in the Garden
How are we to understand Jesus’ cry of dereliction, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” along with his desperate prayer in the ...
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Machiavelli: ‘Jesus Was a Nice Guy Who Finished Last’
Niccolò Machiavelli was a Renaissance era philosopher, politician, and writer. His writings greatly influenced modern political science. The following ...
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Forgiveness Always Comes at A Cost
Pastor and author J.D. Greear writes:
I remember a Muslim asking me when I lived in Southeast Asia, why would God need somebody to die in order to forgive ...
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Christ Suffered for Us - The Lesson of The Lepers
In her book Ten Fingers for God, Dorothy Clarke Wilson writes about Dr. Paul Brand who worked with leprosy patients in India.
Sometimes they would all ...
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Facebook Rejects Theology Ad: ‘Cross is Shocking and Excessively Violent’
A Franciscan University in Ohio recently posted a series of ads on Facebook to promote some of its online theology programs. But Facebook rejected one ...
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COVID-19 and the Crown of Thorns
In his blog article, Dr. Timothy Tennent, the President of Asbury Theological Seminary, makes a fascinating connection between the Coronavrius and the ...
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God’s Power in Unexpected Places
Richard Dawkins is the author of The God Delusion. He was formerly Professor for Public Understanding of Science at Oxford University. He once debated ...
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When Suffering, Find Empathy in the Cross
We do not always get a simple, satisfying answer to all of our questions about suffering. In a 2014 testimony about his experience with a debilitating ...
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When a Muslim Was Overpowered by God's Selfless Love
Nabeel Qureshi, a Muslim convert to Jesus Christ, had a "resolutely" Muslim friend named Sahar who was attracted to parts of Christianity but ...
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