Sermon Illustrations about Culture
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Gen Z Has Profound Anxiety About Aging
Anxiety around aging may be universal, but recently some members of Gen Z have been voicing acute distress. A few widely circulated social media posts ...
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Frozen Embryos Are the New Orphan Crisis
Pro-life advocates saw the 2022 Supreme Court’s decision on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization as a turning point in the fight against ...
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Pizza Chain Apologizes for Mocking Beloved Former Mayor
A popular pizza chain known for its snarky ad campaigns has been forced to apologize after a sustained public outcry over its latest special. In early ...
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Navigating the Clutter of the Information Age
New York Times Columnist Ezra Klein notes his theory why the Internet feels “so crummy” these days. It puts us into “shame closets.” ...
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How Rembrandt Revised Portrayals of Jesus
What did Jesus really look like? Western art has frequently stumbled over the contradiction between the ascetic figure of Jesus of Nazareth and the iconography ...
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Christians Are to Be Servants, Not Overlords
Many American Christians believe they can achieve Christ's kingdom on earth through political means, by dominating the culture. Author Tim Alberta, ...
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When the Internet Comes to Remote Amazon Tribes
As the village speeches dragged on, eyes drifted to screens. Teenagers scrolled Instagram. One man texted his girlfriend. And men crowded around a phone ...
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Americans Are too Busy to Enjoy Life
Do you ever feel like you’re too busy to enjoy life? If so, that’s because you are probably too busy. Not that this is some amazing diagnosis: ...
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Adversity Made Ancient Societies More Resilient
From the Roman Empire to the Maya civilization, history is filled with social collapses. Traditionally, historians have studied these downturns qualitatively, ...
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The Decline of the Mainline Church
The decline of the church in America is posing tremendous cultural problems. And sociologists are beginning to sound the alarm.
Once upon a time, America ...
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