Sermon Illustrations about Cynicism
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Cynicism to help bring your sermon to life.
Diamond May Be Dethroned as Hardest Material
Diamonds are the hardest substance on Earth, they rate a perfect 10 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness. But on other carbon-rich planets, the jury ...
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For Many, the World Lacks any Discernible Truth
The popular Pursuit of Wonder YouTube channel (almost two million subscribers) gives an excellent concise insight on Existentialism. One segment is noteworthy: ...
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Prominent Author Experiences An Almost-Conversion
A classic example of an almost-conversion to Christ happened to Lord Kenneth Clark, one of Great Britain's most prominent art historians and authors, ...
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Narnia's Susan Outgrew Her Love for that Blessed Land
Where's Susan? That's the innocent question Joshua Rogers's daughter asked as they were reading The Last Battle, the final book in The Chronicles ...
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Scientist Explains His Atheism 'Conversion' Story
In his book The Big Picture, physicist Sean Carroll lays out his vision for what he calls "poetic naturalism"—a view of the world that ...
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Musician Father John Misty on His Christian Upbringing
In an interview with Rolling Stone, singer-songwriter-guitarist J. Tillman (now known as "Father John Misty") was asked: "You were raised ...
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T.S. Eliot's Conversion Met with Disgust
In 1927, the famous English poet and essayist T.S. Eliot became a Christian and was baptized and confirmed. Prior to his conversion, Eliot belonged to ...
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Bill Maher Says 'Religion Must Die'
Comedian Bill Maher has made a career of attacking Christians. In his film Religulous, Maher offered up this complaint of religion in general and Christianity ...
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Psalm 23 without God, the Shepherd
Here's what Psalm 23 looks like when we remove the Shepherd from our lives:
1 my ... I shallbe in want.
2 me ... me
3 my soul ... me
4 I walk through ...
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Father Responds to His Son's Rant about the Church
At one point in his journey towards Christ, Nathan Foster (the son of author Richard Foster) was living "a ragged attempt at discipleship." ...
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