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Sermon Illustrations about Darkness

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Darkness to help bring your sermon to life.

Navy Pilot Saved by Tiny Light-Emitting Organisms

In February 1954, a navy pilot set out on a night-training mission from a carrier off the coast of Japan. While he was taking off in stormy weather, his ...

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President Lincoln's Darkness Turns to Hope

A scan through the statements of President Abraham Lincoln reveals a man who underwent some very dark days. Consider, at the start of the War Between ...

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We Are Made to Reflect God's Glory

Paul likens us to shining stars, and the word shine means to reflect. The scientific term is albedo. It's a measurement of how much sunlight a celestial ...

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The Villain on Good Friday: It's Us

Who are the real villains on Good Friday (or the story of Jesus' death)? It's kind of like the kid's TV show Scooby-Doo—that lovable ...

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Film Producer on the Universe's Indifference

Here's how the late film director Stanley Kubrick (1928-199) explained his view of life: "The very meaninglessness of life forces man to create ...

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Son Asks His Father's Help to Avoid the Darkness

One weekend, author Paul Tripp gave his teenage son permission to spend the weekend at a friend's house. But during the weekend Paul received a call ...

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Choosing to Live in Darkness

At first glance Steve and Kathryn's home might look like a dingy basement apartment. But then you notice that everything rests on crates. You see, ...

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John McCain Experiences the True Light of Christmas

During the 2008 presidential race, John McCain was asked by Time magazine to share his "personal journey of faith." In his article McCain shared ...

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Importance of Spiritual Mentors

Gordon McDonald, at the passing of a lifelong mentor, recalled his loyalty and the crucial counsel he gave in a crisis:

He was there when, many years later, ...

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Being Afraid of the Light

If there is a terror about darkness because we cannot see, there is also a terror about light because we can see. There is a terror about light because ...

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