Sermon Illustrations about Decision
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Decision to help bring your sermon to life.
Why Detroit Residents Pushed Back Against Free Tree-Planting
The city of Detroit was in a campaign to reforest its streets after decades of neglecting its depleted tree canopy. However, the tree-planters met stiff ...
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The Theater Is on Fire
In a sermon, the Reverend Ethan Magness quoted the Danish philosopher Kierkegaard who told this parable:
A crowded theater hosted a variety show, with ...
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The Pests We Need
In 1958, Mao Zedong ordered the extermination of every sparrow in China. He could scarcely have guessed the magnitude of the disaster he had set in motion. ...
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It’s Easy to Reject Jesus Now
In the classic Russian novel Eugene Onegin, a jaded aristocrat Onegin, meets an innocent young girl in the countryside. The girl, Tatyana, writes him ...
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Godly Decisions Determine our Destiny
In 1943, a young pastor was offered the opportunity to take over a popular Gospel Radio program called Songs in the Night. Since the cost of keeping the ...
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Roller Coaster Rider Catches Neighbor's Phone During Ride
Samuel Kempf was in Spain representing New Zealand in the Fistballing World Championship when he took a break to ride a rollercoaster. While he was on ...
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Biggest Millennial Struggle? Decision Fatigue
Tess Brigham, a licensed psychotherapist, specializes in treating those in the millennial generation. It wasn’t her decision; they just came flocking ...
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NBA Exec Agrees to Huge Trade Ignoring Salary Details
Longtime player agent and current Lakers general manager Rob Pelinka has mastered the public relations angle of the job, but when it comes to managing ...
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Kathy Keller Explains Submission and Leadership in Marriage
Pastor Timothy Keller and his wife Kathy Keller wrote a book called The Meaning of Marriage. In it Kathy Keller gives an example of submission in a tough ...
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Texas Judge Accidentally Forces Own Resignation
Judge William McLeod, a few months into his post as a civil court judge, thought he was on solid legal ground when he filed a set of paperwork and updated ...
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