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Sermon Illustrations about Demons

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Demons to help bring your sermon to life.

Man Escapes Shark by Punching it

Watching YouTube videos can teach you a lot of things. For British doctor Charlie Fry, it taught him how to survive a life-threatening shark attack. A ...

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Journalist Now Believes in the Reality of Evil

NPR (National Public Radio) journalist Scott Simon has always avoided using the word "evil" when covering terrible events around the globe. ...

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'Exorcist' Director Meets a Real Exorcism

William Friedkin directed the 1973 movie The Exorcist. It became one of the highest-grossing films in history, was a major pop culture influence, and ...

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Psychiatrist Explains His Belief in Demon Possession

The Washington Post ran a controversial op-ed piece titled, "As a psychiatrist, I diagnose mental illness. Also, I help spot demonic possession." ...

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Supreme Court Justice Scalia Talks about the Devil

In an interview with New York magazine, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia explained his beliefs about the reality of the Devil. After mentioning his ...

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NPR Show Explores 'The Voice' In Our Heads

NPR's popular radio show This American Life featured an episode titled "The Devil Inside Me." The show asked various people if they ever ...

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Lions Attack a Buffalo Separated from the Herd

Erwin Lutzer wrote in "A Contested Universe”:

Recently I watched a program on the Animal Channel that showed a herd of buffalo and six lions. ...

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Woman's Pet Boa Constrictor Causes Her Death

A few years ago there was a fascinating but rather unpleasant story. It had all the qualities of a good mystery. A frantic 911 call brought police to ...

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Headless Snake Points to Satan's Demise

As a kid, I loved Mission Sundays, when missionaries on furlough brought special reports in place of a sermon …. There is one visit I've never ...

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Converted Muslim's Testimony: "I Am Forgiven!"

A website called muslimjourneytohope.com has video testimonies of many who have converted from Islam to Christianity. One video clip is of an Iranian-born ...

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