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Sermon Illustrations about Dependence on God

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Dependence on God to help bring your sermon to life.

Trusting God When He Is Silent

In an issue of CT magazine, author and college president Krish Kandiah writes:

One of my earliest memories is of holding my mother’s hand on my first ...

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This Thanksgiving, Be Thankful Even in Difficult Times

In the fall of 1863, President Abraham Lincoln issued two landmark statements. The first was the famous Gettysburg Address in which Lincoln commemorated ...

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Child's Lost Ball Helps Man Survive at Sea

A tourist named Ivan was swimming in the ocean at Myti Beach in Greece when he was carried away by a series of powerful currents. Friends alerted the ...

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Beautifully Terrible Children’s Recitals

In an article by Heather Havrilesky entitled, “Let Your Kids Be Bad at Things,” she ponders on the importance of beautifully terrible children’s ...

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Optimistic Adults Have a Better Shot at Healthy Aging

“Don’t worry, be happy,” is more than just a song lyric. A growing body of evidence supports an association between optimism and healthy ...

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Olympic Athletes Admit Their Fears

When journalist John Branch covered the Winter Olympics in 2022, he observed the level of fear that athletes face. Branch wrote:

The Winter Olympics are ...

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We Believe in God

The US has long ranked high among the world’s nations in its level of religious belief. But the Pew Research Center examined just what 80 percent ...

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Indian Pastor Witnesses for Christ Despite Persecution

An article titled “Arrests, Beatings, and Prayers: Inside the Persecution of India’s Christians” details the persecution of Christians ...

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Actor Finally Surrenders His Career to God

Jonathan Roumie is the actor who plays Jesus in the successful series The Chosen, which is based on the Gospels. Before landing the role of Jesus, Roumie ...

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The Bizarre World of Online Grocery Store Substitutions

Ajanay Barnes and her roommate were craving ice cream one night, they used the grocery-shopping app Instacart to load up a basket at Walmart. They asked ...

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