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Sermon Illustrations about Depravity

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Depravity to help bring your sermon to life.

Trapped Chilean Miners Rescued from Deep Down Dark

In Deep Down Dark, Hector Tobar tells the story of 33 Chilean miners who were trapped 2,000 feet below the surface for 69 days. They had to live in the ...

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'People' Magazine Tries to Make a 'Sindex'

People magazine once undertook a part-serious, part-tongue-in-cheek survey of its readers on the subject of sin. The results were published as a "Sindex," ...

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Tim Keller: Being a 'Good Person' Isn't Enough

We often hear someone say: "Well, I'm not very religious, but I'm a good person and that is what is most important." But is that true? ...

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A Positive Take on 'Hate Mail'

Novelist William Giraldi, a contributing editor to The New Republic, wrote an essay on the modern phenomenon of online hate mail, most often found in ...

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We are a People of Diseased Hearts

Archaeologists recently excavated the contents of a medieval convent in France and came across something interesting: five heart-shaped urns made out ...

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Research Proves We Can't Walk Straight Line

In 2009, a German scientist named Jan Souman took a group of subjects out to empty parking lots and open fields, blindfolded them, and instructed them ...

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Tim Keller on the Rats in the Cellar

Pastor Timothy Keller paraphrases an analogy originally used by C.S. Lewis (in his book Mere Christianity) to demonstrate the nature of sin in our hearts. ...

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Famous Film Writer Has No Hope

Joss Whedon, a creative and intelligent screenwriter-producer who has become famous for films like Toy Story and The Avengers, was interviewed by Entertainment ...

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Scientist Finds Good and Evil Uses for His Invention

Fritz Haber is probably the most important person in your life that you've never heard of. He was a secularized Jew in Germany who started to make ...

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Research Shows That Cheaters Get a "Cheater's High"

Do you ever wonder why people cheat—or feel tempted to cheat—on expense reports, taxes, exams, and other endeavors? According to a series ...

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