Sermon Illustrations about Depression
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Depression to help bring your sermon to life.
Arthur Miller Unable to Tell Marilyn Monroe "God Loves You."
In his autobiography Timebends, Arthur Miller tells of his marriage to Marilyn Monroe. During the filming of The Misfits Miller watched Marilyn descend ...
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Pete Rose Describes Gambling Addiction
After 14 years of denials, Pete Rose has finally come clean and admitted he bet on baseball while manager of the Cincinnati Reds.
Rose says he was a big-time ...
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Friends Carry Doubting Widower
In the book Stories for the Journey, William R. White tells about a European seminary professor named Hans and his wife, Enid. World War II forced them ...
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Biological Fathers Strongly Influence Teens
Why put effort into making a tough marriage work? Campus Life surveyed highly committed Christian teens and found that those respondents that live with ...
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Actress Jennifer O'Neill on Abortion
"I had the abortion and paid for it all my life until I healed, and am now able to help other women."
—Actress Jennifer O'Neill at a Capitol ...
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Abortion Linked to Depression
The British Medical Journal (1-19-02) reported that women who abort a first pregnancy are at greater risk of subsequent long-term clinical depression ...
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Rock Musician Trent Reznor on Religion
In a Rolling Stone interview, Trent Reznor, the lead musician of the rock band Nine Inch Nails, muses on how his anti-religion stance helped lead him ...
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Latest Research on Happiness
More than 60 scientists have been given millions of dollars in funding to help humanity find happiness. A popular movement among psychologists called ...
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Darryl Strawberry and Drugs
"Life has not been worth living for me. That's the honest truth."
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Regret for Not Witnessing
In Decision magazine, Peggy DesNoyers writes:
My job as a psychiatric home-health nurse brought me in touch with many people who were hurt or angry and ...
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