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Sermon Illustrations about Depression

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Depression to help bring your sermon to life.

Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, and the Reality of Imperfection

By most measures, Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift are remarkable women. Intelligent and capable …. Both are the kind of mega pop stars who inspire ...

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Police Work Brought Him to His Darkest Hour

Undercover narcotics officer Norm Wielsch was parked on a dark frontage road in the San Francisco Bay Area. It was about 9 p.m., and he was writing a ...

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The Rising Tide of Global Sadness and Anger

Taylor Swift was quite the romantic when she burst on the scene in 2006. She sang about the ecstasies of young love and the heartbreak of it. But her ...

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A Homemade Bumper Sticker Saved a Life

Like many who have felt the mental health impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, 22-year-old university student Brooke Lacey had her own share of issues. After ...

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Assisted Dying is Rapidly Becoming Legal

In 1997, only Switzerland allowed their residents to decide if they wanted to end their life, but “compassion for end-of-life sensibilities” ...

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Canada Euthanized 10,000 People in 2021

In an issue of CT magazine, Dr. Ewan Goligher shares what he has learned as a Christian doctor receiving requests for physician-assisted dying. He notes ...

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The Meaning in the Monotony

Stephanie is a young mother with four children. Her typical day includes waking up at dawn, diapering and feeding one child while clothing another, preparing ...

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Defeating the Darkness of Depression

In an issue of CT magazine author Lily Burana writes how her depression brought her to the brink of suicide until God rescued her.

Lily had always been ...

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Alarming Rise in Number of Children Attempting Suicide

The number of suicide attempts via poisoning are rising dramatically in children between the ages of six to nineteen according to a new report. Between ...

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‘Life or Death' Mental Health Crisis Among Teens

The New York Times ran a lengthy and sobering report on the mental health crisis among US teens. The article’s subtitle declared, “Depression, ...

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