Sermon Illustrations about Desire, spiritual
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Musician Father John Misty on His Christian Upbringing
In an interview with Rolling Stone, singer-songwriter-guitarist J. Tillman (now known as "Father John Misty") was asked: "You were raised ...
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Hopelessly Hooked on Media
Americans spend an average of five and a half hours a day with digital media, more than half of that time on mobile devices, according to the research ...
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The Joys in Heaven Go on Forever
This world and its history are prelude and foretaste; all the sunrises and sunsets, symphonies and rock concerts, feasts and friendships are but whispers. ...
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Kill Weeds by Growing Healthy Grass
A few years ago, marriage and family expert Greg Smalley noticed weeds sprouting up amongst the healthy grass in his yard. Smalley went to a hardware ...
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How You'd Live after a Peek into Heaven
Author Peter Kreeft asks us to imagine the day when sin, death, and evil are finally defeated by Christ:
Suppose God took you on a crystal ball trip into ...
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NASA Sent a Message of Human Longing into Space
In 1977 NASA launched Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 to explore the galaxy. A golden record called The Sounds of Earth was affixed to each of the twin spacecrafts—a ...
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Phillip Yancey on the Rise of Christianity in the Global South
As I travel, I have observed a pattern, a strange historical phenomenon of God "moving" geographically from the Middle East, to Europe to North ...
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A Camping Trip Points to Our Longing for Heaven
Paul David Tripp states that the Bible says that the impermanence of life on earth is like dwelling in tents. Tripp writes:
Most of us have no pilgrim ...
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Physical Hunger Parallels Our Desire for God's Presence
Author Frederica Mathewes-Green addresses people who hunger for God's presence but rarely feel it—at least not in dramatic ways. She writes:
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Finding True Joy in Christ
Pastor Tim Keller used the following example to show how to find ultimate joy and satisfaction in Christ:
Do you remember when your mother used to say, ...
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