Sermon Illustrations about Devotion
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Devotion to help bring your sermon to life.
Bobby the Terrier: A Story of Loyalty
In their book Known, Dick and Ruth Foth tell a poignant story of devotion and loyalty:
Edinburgh, Scotland, is famous for a story of a dog and his owner ...
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Prayer of a Simple Tailor
The following prayer has been attributed to a Muslim convert to Christ:
"O God, I am Mustafah the tailor, and I work at the shop of Muhammad. The ...
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John Stott's Dying Wish
One of the greatest Christian leaders of the last century was John R. W. Stott, rector of All Souls Langham Place in London and a peerless preacher, Bible ...
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Leader Sacrifices His Home During Revolutionary War
The Declaration of Independence was signed by fifty-six men. In signing this document, they put their lives and their fortunes on the line. Treason was ...
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12-Year-Old Girl 'Accidentally' Runs Half Marathon
A 12-year-old girl accidentally ran a half marathon after signing up for a family-friendly 5K run. LeeAdianez Rodríguez-Espada, a 12-year-old student ...
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Young Artist Sees People in Whole New Light
In his book My Name Is Asher Lev, Chaim Potok's main character is an awakening artist, beginning to see the world with a different perspective. The ...
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Blacksmith's Ancient Swords Illustrate Excellence
In his book Deep Work, author Cal Newport provides an example of excellence—a blacksmith from Wisconsin named Ric Furrer. Furrer specializes in ...
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Your Heart Always Follows Your Money
Suppose you buy shares of General Motors. What happens? You suddenly develop interest in GM. You check the financial pages. You see a magazine article ...
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Hopelessly Hooked on Media
Americans spend an average of five and a half hours a day with digital media, more than half of that time on mobile devices, according to the research ...
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What Actors Have Done to Prepare for a Role
For her role in Black Swan, Natalie Portman trained with New York City Ballet dancer Mary Helen Bowers for eight hours a day, six days a week for the ...
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