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Sermon Illustrations about Devotion

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Devotion to help bring your sermon to life.

'White Elephant' Gifts Distract Us from Serving God

Gordon MacDonald shares the following story:

In ancient days when the king of Siam had an enemy he wanted to torment and destroy, he would send that enemy ...

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American Patriots Risk Their Homes for Victory

In October of 1781, General Cornwallis marched his British troops into Yorktown. The patriots to the south had wreaked havoc on his redcoat army, and ...

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Man Finds His Stolen Car after a 40-Year Search

In 1970, while Bob Russell (not the same Bob Russell who served as minister of Southeast Christian Church in Louisville) was a graduate student at Temple ...

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Puzzle Shows Our Need to Slow Down and Pay Attention

In his book Thinking, Fast and Slow, the Nobel Prize winning economist Daniel Kahneman uses a simple puzzle to show the importance of slowing down and ...

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78-year-old Christian Leader Renews His Commitment to Christ

Soon after the publication of John Stott's 1971 revised edition of Basic Christian, he received a letter that read:

Dear John,
Thank you for writing ...

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Many Cultures Still Don't Have a Word for Boredom

Science writer Winifred Gallagher argues that what we call boredom (which she defines as "the unpleasant sense that there is nothing that interests ...

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Christmas Carol Points to the Gift Christ Wants—Our Hearts

In 1872 the poet Christina Rossetti wrote a poem that only appeared after her death. About thirty years later the poem was set to music and titled "A ...

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Muslim Man Considers the Cost of Following Christ

Haddon Robbinson writes:

Several years ago, I helped lead a tour in Turkey of the churches mentioned in the Book of Revelation. On the last night, we ...

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The Worthlessness of Idols

"The worst thing about idols, as the Hebrew scriptures so tirelessly point out, is that they are utterly useless when you need them most."

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Newlyweds Endure Snowstorm, Flood, and Earthquake

Every marriage has its share of trials and troubles. But imagine going off on your honeymoon and getting victimized by six natural disasters! That's ...

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