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Sermon Illustrations about Devotion

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Devotion to help bring your sermon to life.

Real Commitment

The motto of every missionary, whether preacher, printer, or schoolmaster, ought to be "Devoted for life."

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Can't You Even Spare a Quarter-Hour?

Remarkable as it may seem, even for today's busy-busy Christian, no valid excuse exists for not being a person of daily private prayer. In fact, I ...

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Faith Without Passion

Very few of us [Christians] could say with Paul's conviction, "For me to live is Christ." If we experienced this as a transforming joy, ...

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The Gift of Me

When He comes
At midnight,
He does not
Ask a tree;
A creche,
A star
A candle—
Only me.

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Loving God: A Prayer

My God, I love Thee. Not because I hope for heav'n thereby, Nor yet because who love Thee not must die eternally. Thou, O my Jesus, Thou didst me ...

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I Love Jesus, But...

I love Jesus, but want to hold on to my own friends even when they do not lead me closer to Jesus. I love Jesus, but want to hold on to my own independence ...

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All to the Glory

I believe the religion of Christ covers the whole man. Why shouldn't a man play baseball or lawn-tennis? ... Don't imagine that you have got to ...

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