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Sermon Illustrations about Devotional life

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Devotional life to help bring your sermon to life.

International Justice Mission's Prayer Priority

The Christian human rights group International Justice Mission (IJM) sets a powerful example of weaving habits of prayer into their daily practices. Every ...

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The Internet Trains Us toward Superficial Thinking

Nicholas Carr, an expert on how technology is shaping our minds and lives, lamented how the Internet is, in his words, "chipping away at [his] capacity ...

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Father Forever Changed His Son's Life by Loving God

Ray Ortland writes:

Fifty years ago my dad and mom gave me a new Bible. It was my senior year in high school, the first week of two-a-day football practices, ...

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Syrians Risk Lives for Secret Library

When a place has been besieged for years and hunger stalks the streets, you might think that people would have little interest in books. But enthusiasts ...

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Is Peace the Absence of People?

While elaborating on loving one's neighbor, apologist Michael Ramsden spoke of a colleague who while in Asia asked his audience to close their eyes ...

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Reading Habits of Ultra-Successful People

An article on Medium asks, "Want to know one habit ultra-successful people have in common? They read. A lot." Warren Buffett would read 600-1000 ...

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World's Quietest Spot Will Drive You Nuts

Everybody seems to be looking for a little peace and quiet these days. But even such a reasonable idea can go too far. The quietest place on earth, an ...

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Builders Use 'Piles' In Manhattan Skyscrapers

The island of Manhattan consists almost entirely of bare granite, a very hard and strong type of rock. To carry the weight of a 75- or 100-story skyscraper, ...

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Statistics on Our Drop in Attention Span

According to the research of the National Center for Biotechnology Information, the average attention span has dropped from 12 seconds in 2000 to just ...

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Young Doctors Trained at an Art Gallery

Dr. Irwin Braverman, a dermatologist and director of medical residents at Yale medical school, was concerned about his students' power of attention. ...

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