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Sermon Illustrations about Disaster

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Disaster to help bring your sermon to life.

Machiavelli: ‘Jesus Was a Nice Guy Who Finished Last’

Niccolò Machiavelli was a Renaissance era philosopher, politician, and writer. His writings greatly influenced modern political science. The following ...

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Family Grateful to Survive Florida Condo Collapse

Sometimes the things that seem inconsequential can end up making a huge difference. When Eyal and Sara Nir moved into the Champlain Towers South with ...

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Once Hated, Now a Hero

In the 1960s, towns along the northeast coast of Japan began erecting seawalls to withstand waves of about 30 feet (the height of a terrible tsunami that ...

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A Missed Flight That Changed a Life

On May 25, 1979, Denis Waitley was desperately trying to catch a flight from Chicago to Los Angeles. When he arrived at his gate, they had just closed ...

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We Are Not the Church of Chicken Little

It would be tempting, as the calendar (changes to) 2021, to view 2020 as a nightmare that will soon pass and quickly be forgotten. Take a mulligan year ...

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Commemorative Ornament Depicts 2020 as Dumpster Fire

As 2020 draws to a close, much of humanity appears to agree that the ongoing coronavirus pandemic has turned the year into chaos. One company is now selling ...

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Christian Volunteer Attrition Giving Rise to Collaboration Opportunities

When Hurricane Sally wreaked havoc along the Gulf Coast in September, volunteers from the Florida Baptist Convention were mobilized into action to assist ...

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Understanding the Time We Live In

In 2004, the shoreline of Sri Lanka, was devastated by a horrifying and massive tsunami. The destruction caused in just a few minutes was unimaginable, ...

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The Theater Is on Fire

In a sermon, the Reverend Ethan Magness quoted the Danish philosopher Kierkegaard who told this parable:

A crowded theater hosted a variety show, with ...

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The 10-Year-Old and the Tsunami

Tilly Smith and her family relaxed on the beach. Their first family vacation had taken them to Thailand. That morning, ten-year-old Tilly, her parents, ...

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