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Sermon Illustrations about Disbelief

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Disbelief to help bring your sermon to life.

Eyes to See but Refuse to See

When Galileo introduced the telescope as a tool to peer into the galaxies, his contemporaries did not believe him. Scoffing, they refused to even look ...

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Belief in God in US Drops to Record Low

The vast majority of US adults believe in God, but the 81% who do so is down six percentage points from 2017 and is the lowest in Gallup's trend. ...

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Refusing to Believe Answered Prayer

Author Anne Bokma left her fundamentalist Christian church in her 20s. She recently spent a full year investigating and experimenting with numerous forms ...

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Woman Pronounced Dead Later Found Alive in Funeral Home

A 20-year-old woman with cerebral palsy was pronounced dead by paramedics, and placed in a body bag. Three hours later, she was found alive. The ordeal ...

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Repent – The Kingdom of Electricity Is at Hand

Dallas Willard writes:

As a child I lived in an area of southern Missouri where electricity was available only in the form of lightning. We had more of ...

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Woman Asks for Proof to Verify Officer Identity

When Portland police contacted a woman named Amanda to tell her that they found her previously stolen ID, Amanda wasn’t entirely convinced. According ...

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Atheist Christopher Hitchens Discredits Liberal Minister

In 2009, Marilyn Sewell, the retired minister of the First Unitarian Church of Portland Oregon, interviewed Christopher Hitchens, one of the most famous ...

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Is Christmas a Religious Holiday? A Growing Number of Americans Say No

A long-simmering debate continues over how American society should commemorate the Christmas holiday. A Pew Research Center survey finds that most U.S. ...

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Court Rejects Romanian's Legal Claim of Being Alive

A man returned to his native country to find that the authorities no longer believed in his existence upon this mortal plane. Constantin Reliu returned ...

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Skeptical Disciples Did Not Hallucinate a Resurrected Jesus

In his book “Unbelievable” Justin Brierley asks:

Were the disciples just hallucinating that they saw the resurrected Jesus? Hallucinations ...

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